

PF 2012

we wish all of you and your families the very best for the Christmas Holidays and a lot of love, joy, happiness, good health, great friends and gatherings with a lot of peace and success in the New Year!

PF 2011

4th December 2011 - We have 4 newborns „E„ – 1 boy and 3 girl !

Father - Ramirez Euri-Escot

Ramirez Euri-Escot
(2 years old)

Mother - Juscot Kiwi Adventure

Juscot Kiwi Adventure

Girls - Edana , Elisabeth, Eleanor
Boy - Espri

Newborns Newborns Newborns Newborns

1st November 2011 - Cento flew to Australia to new owners Christine Moore a Roy Mallinder

Cento Cento Cento

All family members and dog kennel wish him a wonderful, happy and long life in the new family!

8th August 2011 - Stretbogi Original Fantasy (Fany) gave birth to 5 puppies. Father is je Filisite Brash Celebration


Stretbogy Oroginal Fantasy Stretbogy Oroginal Fantasy Stretbogy Oroginal Fantasy

27th August 2011 IDS Mladá Boleslav

Cento Euri-Escot - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best dog, BOB, BIG

Cento Cento Cento Cento

Juscot Kiwi Adventure - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best bitch

Kiwi Kiwi Kiwi Kiwi

The birthday of our mother got a great gift. 3th June 2011 we gave her dog from the kennel Charthill. His name is Charthill Wizard at Euri-Escot (Zori).

4th June 2011


8th June 2011


15th July 2011


21th August 2011


22th May 2011 – IDS Litoměřice

Cento Euri-Escot - Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior BOB, big shortly BIS Junior


Juscot Kiwi Adventure - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB

Kiwi Kiwi

Ramirez Euri-Escot - Excellent 1, veteran BOB

Ramirez Ramirez

21th May 2011 – NDS Litoměřice

Cento Euri-Escot - Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior BOB

Cento Cento

Juscot Kiwi Adventure - Excellent 1, CAC, National winner

Kiwi Kiwi

Ramirez Euri-Escot - Excellent 1, veteran BOB


30th April – 2nd May 2011 – Trip to Champion ADRIATIC CUP 2011

Cento Euri-Escot - 6x CAC, CACIB,5xBOB - Chamipon - Montenegro, Macedonia, Moldava, Bulgaria, Balcan


Juscot Kiwi Adventure - 6x CAC, CACIB, BOB,3.BIG - Chamipon - Montenegro, Macedonia, Moldava, Bulgaria, Balcan


23th April 2011 – IDS České Budejovice

Cento Euri-Escot - Excellent 1, CAJC, junior BOB

Cento Cento

Juscot Kiwi Adventure - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB

Kiwi Kiwi

Ramirez Euri-Escot - Excellent1, veteran BOB, BOB, 2.BIG

Ramirez Ramirez

Today to garden

Today to garden Today to garden Today to garden Today to garden

New picture from IDS Brno - profi foto by Jakub Antoš

Ramirez Euri-Escot

Ramirez Ramirez Ramirez Ramirez Ramirez

Cento Euri-Escot


6th February 2011 - International dog show Brno

Cento Euri-Escot - Excelent 1, CAJC, junior BOB, junior BIG, junior r. BIS

Cento Cento Cento

Ramirez Euri-Escot – Excelent 1 , veteran BOB, veteran r.BIS

Ramirez Ramirez Ramirez

5th February 2011 - International dog show Brno

Cento Euri-Escot - Excelent 2

Cento Cento

Ramirez Euri-Escot – Excelent 1, veteran BOB, 3.BIS veteran

Ramirez Ramirez

5th - 6th February 2011 - Michala had the opportunity of handling pretty dog Scottish Terrier from Russia Skailain`s Exigo (Roskots Fajanz x Skailain`s Wilgelmina) of owner Baranchikova Oksana.

5th February 2011 – r.BIG

handling handling

6th February 2011 – BIG, BIS

handling handling handling handling

PF 2011

we wish all of you and your families the very best for the Christmas Holidays and a lot of love, joy, happiness, good health, great friends and gatherings with a lot of peace and success in the New Year!

PF 2011